Mais um notebook com laços. Gostei bastante do anterior então decidi fazer mais um do mesmo género.
Este foi todo nos tons de amarelo torrado para homenagear o sol lindo que temos tido nos ultimos dias.
O papel que utilizei é um um papel de sede bordado.
Confesso que tive algum receio quando comprei o papel, talvez pela cor, mas o resultado final até nem foi dos piores.
O que acham?
7 comentários:
This one is beautiful - I love it! It is a beautiful colour
and very nicely made!
What is the paper like inside?
Hi Diane!
Thank you. Inside is not really pretty, because i don't have a paper to use with the outside silk paper. But i gona put a picture. Anda tell me what you think about the inside!
The gold paper I used inside my white and gold book would go so nicely inside your book too! I will be very interested to see what a picture inside your book looks like. What a good idea!
hello Clara,
Your notebook is really beautiful. I love the cover color. I hope can find some around my place.If you don't mind, I would like to add you on my blog as my favorite link.
Hi Doan Thuc!
Thanck for the coment.
Of curse you can add me on you liks list.
I love you books.
Thanks Clara, I added you already
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